Headway Coventry & Warwickshire run three support groups; one in Coventry, one in Nuneaton and in Warwick. There is no booking or invite necessary to attend a meeting and they are free, please just come along and look out for the ‘Headway’ banner. The support groups are welcoming and friendly and are open to anyone connected with a brain injury – family members and carers as well as the person who has experienced an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).
The volunteers who run the groups share information about brain injury, its impacts and effects and they can also signpost members to other local agencies who can help with recovery and rehabilitation.
At some support group sessions, activities are organised – members have taken part in craft sessions, board games, creative writing and Coventry members have created a group piece of art based on buildings in the city.
Coventry support group
First and third Tuesday of each month
1.15pm – 2.45pm
- No meeting in August
Nuneaton support group
Last Wednesday of each month 1.45pm – 3.15pm
No meeting in August
at Newtown Community Centre Newtown Road Nuneaton CV11 4HG
Warwick support group
First and third Wednesday of each month 2.00pm – 3.30pm.
No meeting in August
at Warwick Gates Community Centre, Cressida Close, Heathcote, Warwick CV34 6DZ