Nat’s headway 40 challenge 2019
40 different activities, 40 different types of hats
Headway is 40 this year and anyone can do a 40 challenge for headway….so…
My challenge is to do 40 different activities wearing 40 different types of hats…e.g. wheelchair climbing, cycling, etc. all in the different types of helmets and hats, also swimming hat for swimming, and fancy hat to a fancy event (need to get myself invited to a fancy event)
The aim is to raise awareness of headway, fundraise for headway Coventry and Warwickshire, but for each hat I actually need to do a relevant activity.
My challenge will start from hats for headway day May 24th 2019 and my aim is to raise money for headway Coventry and Warwickshire members to have art therapy workshops to help to promote creativity, enjoyment and help on the journey of learning to live with our brain injuries in everyday life. A fundraising page will be set up shortly.
….any ideas of activities will be gratefully received!!!